Transforming to achieve better Human Resource Management

Payroll is the single largest Human Resource cost line item for many countries around the world. HR Management remains one of the most complex areas for Governments employing hundreds of thousands across various Ministries, Agencies and Departments.

Challenges faced by Governments and large Institutions include:

  • Quality of decisions being made with incomplete data.
  • Collection, collation, analysis and storage of data and information to support management of Human Resources and Payroll.

Ostec is working with Governments across Africa to transform HR Processes by introducing technology and best practices to tackle complex HR Management challenges and improve employee relations.

Ostec has implemented Oracle HRMIS for governments in West and Southern Africa with Integration into Budgeting and Financials Systems. A typical Ostec HR Management transformation engagement ensures the following Human Resource functions are implemented:

  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Employee Profile Management
  • Employee Establishment Management
  • Employee Cost Management & Integration with the Budget system
  • Public Service Transfers, Postings, Promotions, Reinstatements & Employee Separation (Termination)
  • Leave Management
  • Performance Management
  • Training and Development
  • Succession planning