Transforming to achieve better integration across Ministries, Departments and Agencies for Government of Ghana

The Republic of Ghana’s Finance Ministry has been implementing the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) to automate key processes across government for key public financial management functions. GIFMIS comprises of four (4) major components i.e. Financials, Payroll, HRMIS and Budget and operates on an Oracle platform. The system is used across all Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

The various Government Departments and Agencies operate other systems that are tailored to their needs. The myriad of systems across government has resulted in a critical need to integrate the GIFMIS application with other systems across government.

Ostec is working with Government of Ghana on a project funded by Government of Ghana and the World Bank on a standard integration framework for building all GIFMIS integrations and interfaces. This will provide a platform for integrating GIFMIS applications with each other and with other external applications that is comprehensive, standards based, and service oriented. i.e. better Government!

Our solution for Government of Ghana has a service-oriented framework and constructed by integrating interfaces among multiple heterogeneous sources in the Ministry of Finance and The Controller/Accountant General’s Department to enable a robust, secure and centralized management and maintenance of all interfaces that are currently mostly point to point.